Jessner Peel

Jessner Chemical Peel

Remove Superficial Layers of Skin, Dry Out Active Acne, Dislodge Blackheads, Reduce Shallow Wrinkling & Scarring

The Jessner Peel is an alpha and beta hydroxyl acid medium depth peel that is used for fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and help the overall texture and tone of the skin. The peel is self-neutralizing so it will only penetrate the skin as much as your skin can tolerate it. Often two to three layers of the peel are applied to the patient’s face in order to achieve a mild to moderate peel. Patients will feel a mild tingling or stinging sensation briefly while it is being applied to the skin. The skin will be red days after the peel and often patients see the most peeling around the third or fourth day after the treatment.

Call to schedule a consultation to see if the Jessner peel is right for you!

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