Supplement Highlight Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most valuable and overlooked minerals that is vital to over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. As many as 50-90% of people don’t get enough magnesium resulting in insufficiency or deficiency. Symptoms associated with lack of magnesium may include:

  • Poor sleep
  • Constipation
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle twitching/cramps
  • Irritability
  • PMS symptoms
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Irritable Bladder

Magnesium levels are VERY difficult to test for since the most widely available test is really the LEAST sensitive way to detect magnesium that is actually available to the tissues. Therefore, magnesium deficiency is not widely detected or treated.

So, why are so many people deficient in magnesium? The Standard American Diet (SAD) which is primarily highly processed white flour, meat, and dairy products contains almost NO magnesium, and that is only part of the problem. Many of the things we do on a daily basis contribute to loss of what magnesium we do have. Magnesium levels are decreased by excessive alcohol, salt, coffee, and soda intake, profuse sweating, heavy menstrual bleeding, antibiotics, and diuretics.

In order to start to address magnesium deficiency, start with your diet. Foods high in magnesium include:

  • Greens: spinach, swiss chard
  • Nuts/seeds: cashews, pumpkin seeds, almonds
  • Beans: mung beans, black beans, dark chocolate, avocado
  • Salmon
  • Cruciferous Veggies: broccoli, brussels sprouts

Magnesium supplementation in conjunction with a nutrient rich diet can be wildly helpful in addressing problematic symptoms. There are a number of different types of magnesium supplements available. It is important to choose the appropriate type of magnesium that is readily available for use by your body. It is also important to choose the right dose for your body. We recommend starting with a low dose (200-500mg) chelated magnesium, and working your way up as needed. Once you start seeing benefits from magnesium, you can discuss with your provider correct type and dosing of magnesium.

I love this quote from a scientific review of magnesium, which concluded, “It is highly regrettable that the deficiency of such an inexpensive, low-toxicity nutrient results in diseases that cause incalculable suffering and expense throughout the world.” Take steps to ensure that your body has the right amount of magnesium you need to feel your BEST!

Current patients can get the Reacted Magnesium recommended by the providers at Rhett Women’s Center by following this link through our online dispensary. Typical dosing for this Reacted Magnesium is 1-2 capsules at night. Everyone’s needs are different. If would like a comprehensive evaluation to help determine your individual nutrient needs, schedule your appointment at 843-375-2210 or request an appointment online at

If you are a current patient and have never used our online dispensary, Fullscripts, please call or email (843-375-2210 or the office and ask to be added.