What is the real reason middle-aged women choose to have Botox?

Botox and reducing the signs of aging on the face are a common discussion in circles of women from age 25 to 75. Many people assume the common driver for Botox use among middle-aged is to cling to youth for as long as possible. At Rhett Women’s Center, we know better. We know the real reason women seek Botox, and our experienced providers pay close attention to all the advancements in Botox to deliver the results sought. Drum roll. Over 80% of women who have received Botox injections did so to recapture their “familiar” face.

As opposed to wanting to return to their 20s and get back their younger looks, women are more often unsettled by what aging does to change the face they have seen in the mirror for decades. “Women want to look like themselves. Aging can take away the features that define a woman’s look and replace them with an unfamiliar reflection,” explains Lynda Avera. “It’s the changes that come when you’re in your 40s, 50s and 60s that incent women to start to use Botox. Typically I talk with a woman and create a plan for her to look like her best self.”

A picture of you at age 18 will still bear a resemblance to a picture of you at age 35. The similarities aren’t as apparent once you enter middle age. “Few 40 plus women want to return to their 20s. They just want to look like the person they’ve seen in the mirror every morning for decades. The person who, daily, seems to be disappearing,” shares Dr. Edmund Rhett.

“I really don’t want to look strange after Botox, I want to look like myself,” says a recent Rhett Women’s Center Aesthetics patient. “Having no movement, no smile lines, is not the goal. I like my twinkle and crinkle when I smile. I just don’t like how increasingly flat and angry I appear as I age.

Lynda helped me use enough Botox to feel like a refreshed version of myself without looking bizarre. Losing myself in the mirror felt like it happened overnight. Now what I see is me.”

BOTOX can be used on the forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, lines in/around the nose, chin area for dimpling, skin bands on the neck, and around the mouth for smoker’s lines and down-turned corners of the mouth. Botox is NOT a facial filler, it relaxes the muscles that are creating those wrinkles. Combining filler and Botox can often achieve the overall look women seek.

Call Rhett Women’s Center Aesthetics at 843-375-2210 to schedule you appointment. All appointments on National Botox day are $9 per unit – time slots are limited – schedule now.