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Pellet Therapy

At Rhett Women’s Center, we believe that pellets are the most effective in administering estrogen and testosterone. Instead of using creams, which can be very messy, or pills that have to be taken daily and may result in fluctuations of hormone levels, inserting pellets containing estrogen and/or testosterone is an option for many women. Pellets are small rice-sized implants that a health care provider places just under the skin of the upper buttock. The pellets release a steady, constant hormone level (estrogen and/or testosterone) over a 3-4 month period. The pellet dose is individualized based on lab tests and is monitored throughout therapy. Using pellet therapy, patients can experience relief of symptoms such as increased energy level, improved sleep patterns, reduction of hot flashes, and mood stability in as soon as two weeks. Two full months of therapy can result in increased libido and improvement of any urinary issues. Patients undergoing long-term treatment will notice decreased body fat, improved muscle mass, and improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

RWC also offers Pellet Therapy for men, lasting up to 6 months.

Read More on our Pellet Therapy article.

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